random devil fruit generator

 In horoskopy na mesiac vestica zana 04:05, January 28, 2013 (UTC), Jryoku Jryoku No Mi ( Gravity Gravity Fruit ), Appearance: Turquoise apple shape with swirls. 4. To find out when NEW Characters get released! It is silver and black. Copy copy fruit all type This is a rare fruit that can copy the other devil fruit just by looking at a devil fruit user and keeps the power he can use any power at the same time by this anyone that eat this fruit can do anything also can go under water by useing water water fruit. Power: gives the ability to change the terms of an object changing its element. The Kane Kane no mi user has two daggers and uses his/her power to make them like hidden blades from Assassians Creed. He can also imbue some aura in living beeings to push and pull'em off his way. You're pretty much guaranteed to join the 27-club when you die, aswell. 1. Power: Allows user to become a shark (such as Hody Jones) and the user can swim underwater. I'm using it for my One Piece table top RPG. Seriously, this forum has gotta be removed or something, there's like a million headlines here and 1% of them is signed. Fruit can help you keep your skin looking young and healthy. 68. 2. Average Rating (2 ratings) Twitter Del.icio.us Tumblr StumbleUpon One Piece Devil Fruit Generator Devil fruit Comments Generator Land Members level "Capybara" or above can leave comments. Press J to jump to the feed. Power: Allows the user to materialize anything from his/her imagination to be used at their whim. hmm i always thought the hobi hobi no mi actually made you small since it's about toys and whatnot and the sugar thing was a coincidence. If the user is a human and not a shark and is hit by a Sea Stone weapon, it is effective and the user cannot change forms. In bleakness and terror beyond all human hope, the Gods guard the jimmies for centuries to come gives the eater red skin and red horns on the forehead with elf-like ears, gives a body temp of up to (but can be changed at eater's whim) 400*C (750*F), increases eater strength by 10 times his normal strength, slight regeneration (small wounds are healed almost instantly, deadly wounds are healed within a day), enhanced haki of all 3 types (doesn't make you a master. Matthew Fields. Weakness: Cannot keep bottom of feet or shoes go through otherwise will fall due to gravity, items touching must be in contact with skin to become go through. If you prefer, you can still use the original Random Number Picker. Beeing alcohol, he can either suffocate the victims or drown in liquid alcohol, those who escape might have severe pain from the alcohol in their eyes and nose. :), ~TheTitanOfGeek (https://www.deviantart.com/thetitanofgeek) and I are starting our own brand of comic book stories, both Fantasy and Superheroes, known as "Private Mech Comics". WebGenerate random Fruits. Appearance: A yellow grape fruit about the size of a man's fist. It was eaten by Dimu, head chef of the saber-tooth pirates, Ardris D. Logan (talk) 23:04, March 25, 2013 (UTC), Apearance:An sphere like fruit with square like designs around it. If you've just set sail with the Straw Hat Pirates, be wary of spoilers on this subreddit! Depending on how big and strong the drawing is, the user will be able to control it through commands such as "Attack" but if the drawing is stronger or bigger then it will not listen to the user. 2. Weakness: The bigger the object the longer the time is needed to charge it. In battle the user can make an illusion of the target having his/her worst nightmare, in result it gives the user time to attack because unless the target has the power of haki he/she cannot see the user in the illusion. weakness: Typical devil fruit weaknesses and viberation. Ardris D. Logan (talk) 11:12, March 25, 2013 (UTC). Some of these are made up fruits. Also weak to destructive chemical gasses and poisons such as magma, sulfur, etc. Ability: Lets the user turn to a dryad, which is some kind of a mythical creature, a human being made of wood. Matthew Fields. Power: Gives the user a move called: Kin'niku ponpu (Muscle pump) pushing kinetic energy into their body pumping their muscles changing their physcial appearance. The following are some types of fruits you will find in this generator: In order to properly credit this tool, please use the following citation: Random Outputs, "Random Fruit Generator," [Online] Available at https://randomoutputs.com/random-fruit-generator URL [Accessed Date: 1st March 2023]. The biggest advantage this devil fruit gives is the ability to absorb all forms of physical attacks without harm, even if the opponent has Haki. User must touch the object with his/her hand. Edible fruits have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition. Weakness: Too many impacts, Dials breaking, any other Devil Fruit weakness. WebThis quirk generator can quickly generate quirks. This tool is here to help you out. The user is automatically able to talk to fish but with training the user can talk to sea knights eventually. Only rather than money, the Fruit's power causes people's "power levels" (similar to Douriki) to be channeled though and through as currency. XD It's the picture I used for my Scribble Scribble Fruit. Allows the user to turn anyone who looks into his or her eyes into dolls, allowing him/her to control their souls. The type of oil that the user can turn into is black oil, the same type from a slick. Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses, "writing" traps take time to create, but "writing" battle rules or effects act immediately. Jokerfan45 (talk) 20:31, January 18, 2013 (UTC), Devil Fruit Name: Oiru Oiru no Mi (Oil Oil Fruit). The reason One Piece Devil Fruit Name Generator was created because it is so hard to thinking of some The ability to vibrate the molecules that make up air also gives abilities such as increased hearing range and allows for some sonic attacks. Whole arm)drilling threw even It can block off people's memories. Nope. (The official number of Devil Fruits) Click generate. This is a Devil Fruit list I made containing over +500 unique Devil Fruits! However they will live on in the clone's body so only if they cloned themselves will they live as themselves. This can also make standing on old or wooden structures almost impossible for him/her, which makes fighting at sea difficult at most times. consumer:The admiral who replace AoKiji,Jude D. Song. If the user is knocked unconscious then the souls are returned. Similar to a necromancer. Some of these are made up fruits. User captain Thomas nuke of the gunpowder crew ,king 960. The user can manipulate the shape of the metal passing through them (the metal will fluidly and instantly take the shape of whatever this fruits user wishes it to be, this abillity can only be used when they are in metal form), THIS DEVIL FRUIT DOES NOT ALLOW THE USER TO PASS THROUGH SOLID BODIES OF METAL (metal may pass through him/her, they cannot pass through metal), (the can however use bodies of metal to fuel the manipulation abillity). @Tommygun255. The user of this fruit also has the ability to adjust his hearing according to the sound he/she hears or produce. They may also control the dreams of the people they put to sleep. Thus, enabling other people to "deposit" and/or "withdraw" their strengths into the Bank Bank Fruit's user, as well as "loan" it to themselves for a specific amount of time. https://www.patreon.com/privatemechcomics. (Unique Traits: If one of the people linked by the fruit's power feels pain then others linked will as well. Devil Fruits are strange fruits found all over the world, and they'll give whoever eats them strange abilities. Can also use large tusks in combat and to carry heavy things. Ten rest of body spin. 04:04, January 28, 2013 (UTC), Make Make Fruit (This file no longer exists: Tsukuru_Tsukuru_No_Mi.jpg). Power: Allows user to sprout guns and transforms limbs into guns and cannons, allows user to control other peoples guns. And even then, the power level of only one individual can be utilized at any given time. Power: This fruit is can purelly control the victim's fears, driving the victim in a controlled nightmare or daydream where all fears are in the fruit's user's control. Theme Options Switch template Interactives CONSUMER: "The showstopper" Chen is the captain of the Chen pirates. Models: Steam (Orange with Bright blue dots), Diesel (Red with Yellow Dots), and Shinkansen (Purple withgreen Dots). Weakness: Needs to see an enemy ( target ) and probally some one who mainpulate time. I havent had the time cause of college. It was eaten by Haruno Averi, Navigator of the saber-tooth pirates, Ardris D. Logan (talk) 10:40, March 25, 2013 (UTC). Unlike the Western dragon Model, the user cannot fly freely but can hover from the ground, allowing him to move with exceptional agility but not too far from the ground. Native Guarana. Can regenerate like logia fruit through shadow form. Not much is known about it.. Devil Fruit Name:Doragon Doragon no Mi ( Dragon Dragon Fruit ). Edible fruits have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition. Power(s): This Paramecia-type fruit allows the user to become a "bank" of sorts. This fruit also makes it possible to see in any level of darkness as if it were during the day. The power is very similar to the Dream Dream fruit, but the differnece its that it affects straigh into the victim's mind and even indulce coma. The user can also manipulate the heat into spheres of heat that explode on contact, releasing a large amount of heat. Rules 1. Shogeki Shogeki no mi (Impact Impact fruit), Apperance: large blue apple with black swearls, Power:( like the impact dial) the user can absorbe the impact given to him from any kaind of attack(swords hammers guns other devil fruit users) and send it right back to the enemy it can also send force push like attacks and at max power it can have the same effect as the reject dial with out hurting the fruit user as much as the reject dial would, Weakness: sea water, sea stone and logia type users if not reinforced by haki, Consumer: Lebron D. chris (captain of the iron head pirates), power: gives the user the ability to both control and turn into shadows, the user are able to manipukate their opponents shadows and transform them in various forms (spikes, weapons, animals or other). Appearance of fruit: Black Strawberry with white dots covering the surface. Can also create up to 5 digital copies for up to 5 minutes. Power: Allows the user to disassemble anything by creating a "net-like pattern" that runs straight through whatever it touches, tangible or intangible, which are then destroyed, or reduced to smaller harmless versions of it self. It would grow back in a muinute or two.The bigger the ingury the longer it takes to heal.This fruit would be helpful for a cook, doctor, or carpenter. http://thecartdriver.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/hellsing-ultimate-7-460x258.jpg. The eater can even pierce water and solid objects to see through them (like x-ray vision only as if they were looking at the target from 2 metres away). V2 (One Piece) Quiz introduction Also consider taking the HxH Nen Personality Test: https://uquiz.com/quiz/HSCSf5/ You approach a tree and The user of the divine fruit is able to manifest holy light in an endless amount. This means that they can have other people "purchase", "sell" and/or "trade" specific attributes. ), can make some parts passable and others solid at the same time. {Devil Fruit Box User can also summon static discharges around their person to enhance their physical capabilities, reflexes, and reaction time. Tommygun. They may charge the molecules' to explode on a smaller scale so the can break into buildings' easier. Weakness: The user can only hold one other Devil Fruits (with more training you can hold more), in exchange he/she loses the ability to take strength, speed, knowledge, etc. The Jinsei Jinsei Fruit is one of the rarest devil fruits not part of the zoan specification. He/she can ionize the cracked layer, cracked by the power of Gura-Gura no MI thus nullifying the impact of that power. Some of the nutrients found in fruits are listed below: Fruit is delicious and packed with nutrients that can keep you healthy. The fruit would essentially mean that they cannot be beaten in combat as all of the opponents' moves would be predicted, countered or prevented. 3 (The official number of Devil Fruits) Click generate. If you are looking for a list of devil names or just find a cool name to use for a devil, the devil name generator below will help you out. when you clap it makes you temperarily deaf. Ability: to copy the powers of other devil fruits. Typical devil fruit user weakness such as water, seastone.the users power cancels out when facing someone who has kuro-kuro no mi (dark-dark fruit), devil fruit name:Kurn-Kurn fruit(clone-clone fruit), appearance:the fruit looks like blue grapes with pink stripes. Shipwright of the block pirates. However, if used on a living organism (human, animal, etc), the recipient is reduced to small "doll-like" versions of themselves and are drained of power. Weakness: Large objects take time to form and drains the users energy, standard devil fruit users weaknesses. A fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants. At will, can transform any one of the user's fingers from either hand into the shape of a key. 100. The weakness of this fruit is exposure to heat.--OhJay 14:34, June 16, 2011 (UTC), Devil Fruit name: Jikan Jikan no Mi (Time Time Fruit). Weakness: Aside from the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses (becoming unable to swim), it can be hard to maneuver out of. Power: Like a sponge absorbs water this fruit can abosrb many things. Info 1st Year; Name: Nickname: Race: Gender To use the generator, click the "Generate" button, and you will get a list of random fruits that looks delicious to you. Weakness: Though having a strong point in the element of surprise, it can't reach the target unless he/she touches it, activating the trap. For example, the user could drop a very large, rock hard coconut on the opponent, or sending a stringy, hard to swallow, very spicy head of lettuce at the opponent's mouth, disabling them. The one who uses thus devil fruit can't breathe when he's stopping the time, when also the time stopped hecan escape from bullets,so when some one shoots at him he dissapear and no one can find him because he's too fast. Ex: The user takes Sanji's speed to get somewhere quickly, when the user is done with Sanji's speed he can say "Return" and no matter how far away, it will go back to the original user which in this case is Sanji. Appearence: dark apple with white diagonal stripes. a talented user can make clones of their opponents to use againtst them (the clones have all the originals abilities), they can also use it to copy the weapons of their opponents. I know it's been a long time since I've spoken to you guys, but I wanted to let to guys know that I've created a personal Twitter blog. Power: Allows user to decay anything they touch, the user gains the life span of the person or thing they decay. Powers: This fruit turns the user into a sun person. Devil Fruits are strange fruits found all over the world, and they'll give whoever eats them strange abilities. Power: Can remove any living persons face, and then attach it to any living person. Note: the user can disassemble even objects made of Sea Stone IF they are not touching the user's body and thus, nullifying the power, though the user can make objects of sea stone fall to pieces before it reachs him/her, getting time to escape. I'm probably just as bad a artist as him too. Allows the user to become, create, and manipulate wool. To find out when NEW Characters get released! Appearance: Has a round bottom and three nubs like a pear has on top. If the target is asleep the user can mess up his/her dreams and even change personality. Weaknesses: While creating a clone of the person, the person creating the clone has to concentrate very hard, meaning that they cannot do anything else, such as defending themselves. Weakness: Standard devil fruit weaknesses, swarm becomes uncontrollable when seperated from main hornet. Power(s): This Ancient Zoan-type devil fruit allows the user to turn into a full mammoth and a mammoth hybrid at will, giving the user the strength and weight of a mammoth. WebRolling 100 RANDOM DEVIL FRUIT In Blox Fruits (Roblox) JOIN OUR MEMBERS! Tekking101 used one of my Old Devil Fruit pictures for one of his video thumbnails. Besides the regular logia advantages, the alcohol produced by the body is strong enough to make a regular man completely drunk with just one drop. WebOne Piece Character Generator. (Does not include Canon or Non-Canon DFs), Weapons, Classes, Races, Seas of Origin, and Alignments. Weakness: Typical devil fruit user weakness such as, water, and seastone. Bananas contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps fight stress and depression. The eater can also create full-body chainmail armour. They can also control any rope that is within 100 meters of them (making them really useful on a ship). Also while the victim's door to the heart is open, that person becomes very emotional and experiences rapid mood swings depending on the situation. Once you get a Devil Fruit, it's yours forever. Powers: Turns user into a star man. And can teleport other beings and things with the same rules. Power:entire body is harder than titanium and Idk what to even say. When attacking, the user can fire parts of the body to create mini asteroids. Power: Turns the eater's body into perfume. Powers:Allows the user to make and manipulate metal on their own body. So the idea is simple. It is shaped like a dragonfruit and colored dark blue. WebYour One Piece character's Devil Fruit. Related generators. Note: Property of Lauer D. Jacob of the Strawhat Pirates. The user doestn have to touch the place to set the trap, but the target must. A fruit is the seed-bearing structure in flowering plants. Weaknesses: water, seastone, recovery: as soon as 30 minutes are up the individual is hit with all the damage recived whist in the devil fruit form however nomatter how bad the pain the damage will never physically show. Powers: The user has the ability to shoot a cosmic ray to make people fall asleep for the users desired amount of time. Consumer: Olympus, a man who stands at 305 cm (10 feet) tall (same height as Doflamingo). )Plus the user can be able to use the heat from the sun as energy to boost up their attacks. Power(s): This Paramecia-type fruit enables the user to treat matter (both living and lifeless), with the exception of liquids, as though they were fluid in state, making it possible for the user to "swim" through them. : Property of Lauer D. Jacob of the user has two daggers and uses his/her power to and... Metal on their own body you can still use the heat into spheres of that! 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