ohio revised code trespass in a habitation

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(B) No person shall be convicted of conspiracy unless a substantial overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy is alleged and proved to have been done by the accused or a person with whom the accused conspired, subsequent to the accused's entrance into the conspiracy. (C) "Detention facility" has the same meaning as in section 2921.01 of the Revised Code. 1229, 26 U.S.C. (A) Any person who is injured or threatened with injury by a violation of section 2923.32 of the Revised Code may institute a civil proceeding in an appropriate court seeking relief from any person whose conduct violated or allegedly violated section 2923.32 of the Revised Code or who conspired or allegedly conspired to violate that section, except that the pattern of corrupt activity alleged by an injured person or person threatened with injury shall include at least one incident other than a violation of division (A)(1) or (2) of section 1707.042 or division (B), (C)(4), (D), (E), or (F) of section 1707.44 of the Revised Code, of 18 U.S.C. (H) For purposes of this section, "deadly weapon" or "weapon" does not include any knife, razor, or cutting instrument if the instrument was not used as a weapon. Conviction of any of Ohio's burglary laws can result in imprisonment and fines: *For a felony of the third degree that is a violation of 2911.12 if the offender previously has been convicted of or pleaded guilty in two or more separate proceedings to two or more violations of 2911.01, 2911.02, 2911.11, or 2911.12, the prison term shall be 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, or 60 months. (iv) It complies with the requirements set forth in division (G) of this section. (3) A renewal application submitted pursuant to division (F) of this section shall only require the licensee to list on the application form information and matters occurring since the date of the licensee's last application for a license pursuant to division (B) or (F) of this section. (G) The issuing authority shall forward to the state fire marshal a copy of each license or temporary permit issued pursuant to this section, and a copy of each record of a transaction in dangerous ordnance and of each report of lost or stolen dangerous ordnance, given to the local law enforcement authority as required by divisions (A)(6) and (7) of section 2923.20 of the Revised Code. (3) "Dangerous ordnance" and "firearm" have the same meanings as in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code. Criminal Trespass o Ohio Revised Code 2911.21 Attractive Nuisance Law o Ohio Revised Code 2305.402 Recreational User's Statute o Ohio Revised Code 1533.18 and 1533.181 Citizen's Arrest o Ohio Revised Code 2935.04 Self Defense o Ohio Revised Code 2901.05(B) "Castle" Doctrine o Ohio Revised Code 2901.09 If a civil proceeding is pending, an action pursuant to this section shall be filed in the court in which the proceeding is pending. (c) The last of those two or more offenses occurs within five years after at least one of those offenses. If the license subsequently is suspended under division (A)(1) or (2) of section 2923.128 of the Revised Code, revoked pursuant to division (B)(1) of section 2923.128 of the Revised Code, or lost or destroyed, the sheriff also shall make available through the law enforcement automated data system a notation of that fact. (c) Any violation of section 2907.21, 2907.22, 2907.31, 2913.02, 2913.11, 2913.21, 2913.31, 2913.32, 2913.34, 2913.42, 2913.47, 2913.51, 2915.03, 2925.03, 2925.04, 2925.05, or 2925.37 of the Revised Code, any violation of section 2925.11 of the Revised Code that is a felony of the first, second, third, or fourth degree and that occurs on or after July 1, 1996, any violation of section 2915.02 of the Revised Code that occurred prior to July 1, 1996, any violation of section 2915.02 of the Revised Code that occurs on or after July 1, 1996, and that, had it occurred prior to that date, would not have been a violation of section 3769.11 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to that date, any violation of section 2915.06 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to July 1, 1996, or any violation of division (B) of section 2915.05 of the Revised Code as it exists on and after July 1, 1996, when the proceeds of the violation, the payments made in the violation, the amount of a claim for payment or for any other benefit that is false or deceptive and that is involved in the violation, or the value of the contraband or other property illegally possessed, sold, or purchased in the violation exceeds one thousand dollars, or any combination of violations described in division (I)(2)(c) of this section when the total proceeds of the combination of violations, payments made in the combination of violations, amount of the claims for payment or for other benefits that is false or deceptive and that is involved in the combination of violations, or value of the contraband or other property illegally possessed, sold, or purchased in the combination of violations exceeds one thousand dollars; (d) Any violation of section 5743.112 of the Revised Code when the amount of unpaid tax exceeds one hundred dollars; (e) Any violation or combination of violations of section 2907.32 of the Revised Code involving any material or performance containing a display of bestiality or of sexual conduct, as defined in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code, that is explicit and depicted with clearly visible penetration of the genitals or clearly visible penetration by the penis of any orifice when the total proceeds of the violation or combination of violations, the payments made in the violation or combination of violations, or the value of the contraband or other property illegally possessed, sold, or purchased in the violation or combination of violations exceeds one thousand dollars; (f) Any combination of violations described in division (I)(2)(c) of this section and violations of section 2907.32 of the Revised Code involving any material or performance containing a display of bestiality or of sexual conduct, as defined in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code, that is explicit and depicted with clearly visible penetration of the genitals or clearly visible penetration by the penis of any orifice when the total proceeds of the combination of violations, payments made in the combination of violations, amount of the claims for payment or for other benefits that is false or deceptive and that is involved in the combination of violations, or value of the contraband or other property illegally possessed, sold, or purchased in the combination of violations exceeds one thousand dollars; (g) Any violation of section 2905.32 of the Revised Code to the extent the violation is not based solely on the same conduct that constitutes corrupt activity pursuant to division (I)(2)(c) of this section due to the conduct being in violation of section 2907.21 of the Revised Code. (B) Divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section do not apply to the sale or furnishing of a handgun to a person eighteen years of age or older and under twenty-one years of age if the person eighteen years of age or older and under twenty-one years of age is a law enforcement officer who is properly appointed or employed as a law enforcement officer and has received firearms training approved by the Ohio peace officer training council or equivalent firearms training. (E) Whoever violates division (B) of this section is guilty of designing a vehicle with a hidden compartment used to transport a controlled substance. Crimes Procedure 2911.21, et seq. (B)(1) "Pattern of criminal gang activity" means, subject to division (B)(2) of this section, that persons in the criminal gang have committed, attempted to commit, conspired to commit, been complicitors in the commission of, or solicited, coerced, or intimidated another to commit, attempt to commit, conspire to commit, or be in complicity in the commission of two or more of any of the following offenses: (a) A felony or an act committed by a juvenile that would be a felony if committed by an adult; (b) An offense of violence or an act committed by a juvenile that would be an offense of violence if committed by an adult; (c) A violation of section 2907.04, 2909.06, 2911.211, 2917.04, 2919.23, or 2919.24 of the Revised Code, section 2921.04 or 2923.16 of the Revised Code, section 2925.03 of the Revised Code if the offense is trafficking in marihuana, or section 2927.12 of the Revised Code. (6) Carriers, warehouses, and others engaged in the business of transporting or storing goods for hire, with respect to dangerous ordnance lawfully transported or stored in the usual course of their business and in compliance with the laws of this state and applicable federal law; (7) The holders of a license or temporary permit issued and in effect pursuant to section 2923.18 of the Revised Code, with respect to dangerous ordnance lawfully acquired, possessed, carried, or used for the purposes and in the manner specified in such license or permit; (8) Persons who own a dangerous ordnance that is a firearm muffler or suppressor attached to a gun that is authorized to be used for hunting by section 1533.16 of the Revised Code and who are authorized to use such a dangerous ordnance by section 1533.04 of the Revised Code. "Enterprise" includes illicit as well as licit enterprises. (ii) If the person was under detention as an alleged or adjudicated delinquent child, the most serious act for which the person was under detention was committed on or after July 1, 1996, and would be a felony of the third degree if committed by an adult, was committed prior to July 1, 1996, and would have been an aggravated felony of the third degree or a felony of the second degree if committed by an adult, or was committed prior to July 1, 1996, would have been a felony of the third degree if committed by an adult, and, if it had been committed on or after July 1, 1996, also would be a felony of the third degree if committed by an adult. The application shall contain the following information: (1) The name, age, address, occupation, and business address of the applicant, if the applicant is a natural person, or the name, address, and principal place of business of the applicant, if the applicant is a corporation; (2) A description of the dangerous ordnance for which a permit is requested; (3) A description of the place or places where and the manner in which the dangerous ordnance is to be kept, carried, and used; (4) A statement of the purposes for which the dangerous ordnance is to be acquired, possessed, carried, or used; (5) Such other information, as the issuing authority may require in giving effect to this section. In the case of an attempt to commit an offense other than a violation of Chapter 3734. of the Revised Code that is not specifically classified, an attempt is a misdemeanor of the first degree if the offense attempted is a felony, and a misdemeanor of the fourth degree if the offense attempted is a misdemeanor. If the offender also is convicted of or pleads guilty to a specification as described in section 2941.1422 of the Revised Code that was included in the indictment, count in the indictment, or information charging the offense, engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity is a felony of the first degree, and the court shall sentence the offender to a mandatory prison term as provided in division (B)(7) of section 2929.14 of the Revised Code and shall order the offender to make restitution as provided in division (B)(8) of section 2929.18 of the Revised Code. (C) It is an affirmative defense to a charge under this section of illegal possession of a firearm in a liquor permit premises that involves the possession of a firearm other than a handgun, that the actor was not otherwise prohibited by law from having the firearm, and that any of the following apply: (1) The firearm was carried or kept ready at hand by the actor for defensive purposes, while the actor was engaged in or was going to or from the actor's lawful business or occupation, which business or occupation was of such character or was necessarily carried on in such manner or at such a time or place as to render the actor particularly susceptible to criminal attack, such as would justify a prudent person in going armed. seq., and consists of four (4) separate offenses: (1) Aggravated Burglary ( ORC 2911.11 ) A first . (4) "Governing body" has the same meaning as in section 154.01 of the Revised Code. If no corrupt activity lien notice or lis pendens was filed, title of the state relates back to the date of the recording of the final judgment of forfeiture in the records of the county recorder of the county in which the real property or beneficial interest is located. (2) Division (A)(2) of this section does not apply to any person who has been issued a concealed handgun license that is valid at the time of the alleged carrying or possession of a handgun or who, at the time of the alleged carrying or possession of a handgun, is an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States and is carrying a valid military identification card and documentation of successful completion of firearms training that meets or exceeds the training requirements described in division (G)(1) of section 2923.125 of the Revised Code, unless the person knowingly is in a place described in division (B) of section 2923.126 of the Revised Code. If the offender is not a resident of this state, the court shall impose a class four suspension of the nonresident operating privilege of the offender from the range specified in division (A)(4) of section 4510.02 of the Revised Code. At least one of the incidents forming the pattern shall occur on or after January 1, 1986. (B) Each of the following constitutes prima-facie evidence of criminal purpose: (1) Possession or control of any dangerous ordnance, or the materials or parts for making dangerous ordnance, in the absence of circumstances indicating the dangerous ordnance, materials, or parts are intended for legitimate use; (2) Possession or control of any substance, device, instrument, or article designed or specially adapted for criminal use; (3) Possession or control of any substance, device, instrument, or article commonly used for criminal purposes, under circumstances indicating the item is intended for criminal use.

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