who was the first missionary in nagaland

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Suffering threats on his life the Arthington missionaries in 1897. The traditional list of Jesus' 12 disciples includes: Peter. the new religion will stop head-hunting, sickness and famine in the village and The Nagas live primarily in Nagaland, a northeastern state of the nation of India. December 1870 till October 1871 at Sibsagar and was baptized in 1871 by Clark enemies, deadly diseases and famine. The first contact of the American Baptist Mission working in Assam with the Naga tribesmen was with the Tirap Nagas. Dr. E. W. Clark and his wife Mary Mead following his appointment as missionary to India, left Boston in October 20, 1868 and sailed for one hundred and sixty days in the bark "Pearl" bound for Calcutta, and after travelling by trains, steamer and elephant, arrived at Sibsagar in As the hearts of the villagers were drawn In line with the latest revision of the constitution, the existing nomenclatures such as Field Director, Field Secretary, Field Supervisor. accept the new religion. In the annual meeting of the Council in 2009, a Committee was set up to look after this programme. They were vicious warriors using inter-village fights to settle land disputes and establish power. Two years later, on March 18, 1913, Edwin Clark entered into his rest. The seventies and eighties saw a great spiritual awakening in the Nagaland Baptist Churches, and the Churches grew numerically and spiritually. [4], During World War I, 2,000 Nagas enlisted in the British Indian Army (BIA) and served in the Western Front. Sports has also been identified as an instrument of bringing the youth together and instilling in them discipline and leadership qualities while using sporting events to promote evangelism and discipleship. Linkedin. Constitution Preamble For unity of the Baptist Churches and united ministry of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in and outside of Nagaland, the Nagaland Baptist Churches Council was organized in 1937. But when he went to his village intending to bring a wife, his village was attacked by a neighbouring Naga tribe and he was killed. On 23 January 1993, the Isaac-Muivah group of the NSCN (NSCN(IM)) was admitted to the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO). evenings, the villagers along with the nine newly baptized members and those Edwin W. Clark and his wife served as missionaries in Nagaland India. Few schools were also opened by the Government in addition to the Mission school. The period from 1917 to 1926 saw a peoples conversion movement among the Smis. Clarks own words During the next few months the number of parties coming to His name was Hubi, but he died the following October. After talks with the NSCN (IM), the Government of India heeded the wishes of the people and on 25 July 1997, the Prime Minister, I. K. Gujral, in a statement in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, announced a ceasefire with effect from 1 August 1997 for a period of three months. The Council continued to use education as a tool to imbibe Christian values and this led to the setting up of the Oriental Theological Seminary (OTS) in 1993. The NBCC also secured land near the Secretariat Complex at Kohima for establishing a Convention Center. In the paucity of written helps to the acquisition of the language, and in view of the fact that as the work advances the Missionaries are likely to be confronted by new and more or less different dialects, thus necessitating eminently thorough acquaintance with the dialect now available. The Church also continued to work at restoring peace. Meanwhile, a proposal came from Tuisem Shishak for the possibility of establishing a Christian college in this region. Carey, the first Baptist missionary of the modern era, arrived in colonial Calcutta in November 1793 without any travel permits. For example, ten village schools, supported in part by Government, had a combined enrolment of 130 pupils. In the winter of 1871, Godhula made several Sema Baptist Association 12. And the religious pitch is getting shrill every passing day. It seems impossible to avoid serious loss unless a new Missionary be allowed at least three years preparation before the burdens of the station shall be left upon his shoulders. This day 147 years ago in 1872, the first Ramunny, Murkot. The NNC agreed to the unconditional acceptance of the Indian Constitution and surrender of arms. After he assumed office as the president, the situation among the Naga communities spiraled out of hand so rapidly that the region and the people could be seen making a nosedive towards their own doom. In 2006, the NBCC published a booklet stating its position toward HIV/AIDS and the Council has since been actively involved in addressing the issue. Tanquist also visited the Chakhesangs with the Good News in the early thirties. Villages containing NNC members, persuaded them to cease their clandestine activities. Clark, safe yet exhausted, arrived at the Molungkimong village gate escorted by words of the Gospel from Godhula and Clark. The resolution of the Findings Committee was that all Nagas should come together for establishing a closer Church Ministry with a united effort. In May 1951, the NNC claimed that 99 per cent of the Naga people supported a referendum to secede from India, which was summarily rejected by the government in New Delhi. Churches in Nagaland which started at Molungkimong (1872), then at Molungyimsen At the Council headquarters, the compound not only looked bare and old and despite visitors preferring to stay at the compound, it was not possible to host guests. Rev.Miles Bronson made another visit on Namsang village at the end of 1839 to study the possibility of living there with his family and of starting a elementary school for the Naga children and preach Gospel of John and Mathew to the Nagas. by Clark at the same Dikhuriver in the same way while they received baptism. MEG was a programme to enthuse Church members to reach out to as many people as they could for Christ before the end of the millennium. It was during this time that Supongmeren I refused every invitation for I knew that there was Konyak Baptist Association 7. A Peace Director was employed to oversee the peace work. Instagram. With the help of a Mr. Godhula, an Assamese Christian, they established the first church, a Baptist one, in Molungkimong (Dekha Haimong Village) in 1872.[7]. In the 1870s, Dr. & Mrs. E. W. Clark worked among the Ao people. Hornbill Festival. They became members of the Sibsagar Baptist Church, but on returning home, these new converts built a Chapel in the village and worship services were conducted by Godhula. Chapter 17 / Lesson 11. It came into being in 1962 as an offshoot of Naga Baptist revival in the 1940s and 1950s. Meanwhile, the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) emerged and this Forum undertook the task of bringing about a reconciliation of all Naga factional groups. protect my life, and give me strength to live and labour many years among these Nagaland - Religion. However, for administrative reasons of the Mission, his vision could not be fully realised and the Naga Baptist Churches of Nagaland as well as of Manipur remained an integral part of the Baptist Mission in Assam under the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society (now renamed as the International Ministries of the American Baptist Churches in U.S.A.), and the Council of Baptist Churches in North East India. The NBCC also brought out Scripture Series for Classes 1-8 in 2002 and the State Government granted permission for its use in schools. from. Meanwhile, a new Mission Field had been set up at Ukhrul among the Tangkhul Nagas of Manipur, under the leadership of William Pettigrew. 3rd Step: On the notification page, look for the "NBSE HSLC Application Form" link. The total number valid votes was 62,175 out of 62,720 polled in the first election. The State of Nagaland was formally recognised 1 December 1963, as the 16th State of the Indian Union. Though much of the credit for spreading Christianity in the Naga hills of the then Assam state has been given to an American missionary, Edward Winter Clarke, Godhula was the first missionary to set foot in Naga hills in 1871. The Nagaland Christian Youth Movement was organized in 1971 by bringing together the different youth societies such as Christian Endeavour, the Baptist Youth Fellowship. 1868 and sailed for one hundred and sixty days in the bark Pearl bound for from their fields and huddled around Godhula and listened to newer Biblical end of three days they were convinced that he was not a government spy but a 2 While they were serving the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, "Set . The Nagaland Baptist Womens Union was organized in the early part of 1967, and it became the womens wing of the Council. On Clark engaged two Thus the Police Baptist Churches in Nagaland were brought under the administration of NBCC and later on became one of the Associations under the umbrella of the Council. Before the end of the decade he had taken an extended break and returned as a medical Doctor. 1952-1997 Nagaland Revival. From the Kohima Field, the Missionaries continued to supervise the works in the Chakhesang, Pochury, Kuki, Zeliang, Smi, Mao, Poumai and Rengma areas. Download Citation | The Church and Peace Process in Nagaland (India) | The Naga insurgency, widely recognized as the longest asymmetric conflict in independent India, has had far-reaching effects . The NBCC assisted by providing manpower as well as funds for the relief work in the Andamans. establishment of the first Baptist Church in Nagaland. The inhabitants, belonging to the 16 major tribes and other sub tribes of Mongoloid race and are collectively called the Nagas. We beg to explain that our action was not taken with any expectation of leaving our brother Clark alone at Molung; but that the sudden development of the situation drove us to the arrangement, adopted in the hope that the immediate appointment of a new helper for Molung obviates the threatened check to the progress of the Mission. Eventually, the level of talks was raised and the venue shifted to New Delhi culminating in six rounds of talks in 1966 to 1967 between Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and the Naga leaders. Assamese. Clarks eyes were set on the Naga hills burdened by the Lords voice to go and In 1911, 81-year-old Edwin Clark's health began to fail, forcing him to return to America. December 16 through the RongsensLenmang (Ao-Ahom Trade Route that ran Early Missionaries THE KONGO In 1490 the first missionaries came to Sub-Saharan Africa at the request of King Nzinga of Kongo (also known as the Manikongo). Through their influence a beginning of a spiritual movement was seen among the Angamis and the Smis, and quite a number believed and were baptized. home, the peaceful place. some twenty-three or thirty, Godhula says, have been talking seriously of In its third Convention held at Wokha from 31 January 2 February 1964 which was said to have been attended by 5,000 representatives from all ethnic groups of Nagaland, the NBCC made a historic resolution welcoming the proposed "Peace-Talk" and to request the Government to make available the services of Jayaprakash Narayan, Bimala Prasad Chaliha and Rev. By the year 1887 the latest Missionary advance in Assam was called the Naga Mission to distinguish it from the Assam Mission in the Brahmaputra Valley and the Garo Mission. The Baptist Mission work had grown steadily in the Assam plains for years and the Church membership had been steadily increasing. The Chief Minister escaped without any bodily harm but his daughter was seriously injured. This day continues to be observed with legislators, bureaucrats, ordained Ministers and Church leaders participating in this annual programme. Haggard and his wife and S.A. Perrine and his wife were sent to continue the work and upon their arrival, the centre of the Ao Mission Field was shifted from Molung to Impur in 1894. journey, took rest by the bank of Tzrang (Tero) river in the perilous jungle In the following year, a delegation consisting of one Lotha, two Smis and one Angami, attended the 41st Annual Session of the Ao Mundang at Ungma which was held from 13th to 16th November, 1937. The first was in 1952, then again in 1976. The Missionaries believed that the Angamis when once genuinely converted would use their influence for good throughout a wide area and they prayed and hoped for a spiritual awakening. Fratricidal violence among revolutionary groups continued into the 1990s. A hall with 5000 sitting capacity will be a special feature of the Centre. ANI. The National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) was formed in the late 1970s by Thuingaleng Muivah, Isak Chishi Swu and S. S. Khaplang. explained everything about the new religion and further assured that the God of Since it was a dangerous This is the first known instance of a ruler of Nepal giving permission for Christians to live and propagate their faith in the country. 4 August 1857 - All missionaries recalled to Utah in anticipation of the arrival of Johnston's Army. After some research, I've come to the realization that Christ hadn't been recorded going to Cyprus. The new religion and the Padre Sahib were At the Jubilee conference in 1886, E.G. The Council is a product of Gods blessing and the contribution of the many great Naga men and women of God who had a vision to serve God, to share His Word and to bring Gods people together for His purpose. Twitter. Tsolie Chase was appointed as the first full-time Treasurer at the Jaluke Council Session, from 14th to 16th January 1983, as recommended by the Executive Committee (vide NSCE-83/l18). Chang Baptist Association 4. Assamese. . W. Pongsing Konyak was elected as the next General Secretary, at the Eleventh Triennial Convention held at Shamator in 1989. no security there. the sixty warriors on Wednesday, December 18, 1872 about 12 oclock. The Council has also initiated the Clean Election Campaign from 2011 and renewed efforts are being made to create awareness through seminars and publication of literature on elections. Supongmeren also met Dr. Clark Even within the Naga leadership, there was a difference in ideology among Angami . following his appointment as missionary to India, left Boston in October 20, Thus the first Church in Naga soil was established. under the vigilant eyes of the warriors. Clark recounts the event in the To Clarks surprise, Godhula, volunteered to go With this, the Peace Mission was formed. with them saying that he is a servant of the Master and in His name and event in Naga history unfolded with a lot of danger, threat and sacrifice. reminded of the mighty works of Gods for Nagas, and the Molungkimong Baptist She was known for her opposition against religious conversions that were taking place in Nagaland then and was a staunch nationalist. The ENPO is the umbrella body of seven tribes of eastern Nagaland: Chang, Khiamniungan, Konyak, Phom, Santam, Tikhir and Yimkhiung. Consequently, the following Sabbath This is "uncharted territory". Church leaders wrote to the Government to remove the Disturbed Area Act imposed on the State. Though the peace mission was dissolved when Rev. Vikesheswu Vikesheswu 04.09.2020 Sociology Secondary School answered Who was the first christian missionary of nagaland 2 See answers Advertisement . The NBCC gave full endorsement and cooperation to the NBWU and its leaders in their struggle for total prohibition of liquor in Nagaland (ANBC-74/283). The Niger areas were first touched by the Christian missionaries thanks to the effort of Sir William Wilberforce who fought for the freedom of the slaves. Rivenburg seemed to lose his interest owing to the indifference and unresponsiveness of the people. The Naga hills have been an area of continued resistance as they had long been isolated from outside cultures. They are made up of 13 tribes (some say 20-40 ethnic groups), all having a different language and customs. The King Invites Missionary: Here we see the king of Nepal invited the missionary to come and do mission work in the country. There was even some discussion about changing it to a more appropriate name, but the Council meeting at Kohima from 23rd to 31st March, 1958 affirmed, the name of the Council should remain as it is (NBCC Action No.8), except for the slight change of Naga to Nagaland at a later stage. Nagaland is almost entirely inhabited by the Naga tribes except some Kukis, Kacharis, Garos, Mikris, Benglalees, and Assamese etc. The state is divided into seven administrative districts. Longri Ao and the sponsorship of the State Government, resulted in an agreement for Cessation of Fire signed by the Governor Vishnu Sahay, on behalf of the Government of India and the Peace Mission, and Zashei Huire, Biseto Medom and L. Zhenito signed on behalf of the NNC underground government. It was not until April of 1951 that the first Roman Catholic Church was es-tablished among the Lotha-Naga tribe, and Catholics now number around three percent of Naga Christians. Godhula Brown, the first evangelist to the Naga Hills Supongmeren, along with other Ao natives, persistently invited Godhula and Clark to their village to teach them the gospel and also teach the ways of knowledge to their children especially after what they saw in the classroom at Sibsagar. All the four. Tezenlo Thong, "A Clash of Worldviews: The Impact of Modern Western Notion of Progress on Naga Culture, 1832-1947,", Drouyer, Isabel, Drouyer Ren, THE NAGAS: MEMORIES OF HEADHUNTERS, White Lotus, 2016, p.1, Prongo, K. "Dawning Of Truth To Crown Indo-Naga Talks", ManipurOnline, 22 September 2002. During the first year of the launch of the scheme, the Centre had transferred 5.55 crore, while 91.82 crore and 122.19 crore was transferred during 2019-20 and 2020-21 fiscal years . By 1959 several standing committees (with one Board), namely, (a) Literature and Christian Education Board, (b) Stewardship Committee, (c) Evangelistic Committee, and (d) Youth Committee, were also appointed (NBCC, Dimapur, 2nd to 4th April, 1959; NC 59/001). Clark took charge as superintendent of the Mission Secondly, the Government decided against a further extension of the ceasefire agreement. The tremendous growth of Baptist the whole village. Following Sabbath, on November 10, 1872, they were baptized by Clark. teach all nations thinking about the many people who were accessible to the Here's a look at how history of Christianity unfolded in our land. This was in one way a better plan and finally, the Patkai Christian College was established at Chumukedima, and the NBCC became one of the major sponsoring bodies. Rev. They opened a Primary school, and Bronson wrote a Naga vocabulary book, a catechism, and a book called Natahema Heran Kabanva Nyapran, which is the first book to be written in a Naga language. Vikesheswu Vikesheswu 04.09.2020 Sociology Secondary School answered Who was the first christian missionary if Nagaland? The mist-shrouded hills and the steep landscape makes access difficult. Sangtam soil and . Within the Council setup, a Committee was appointed in 2005 to review the work of the Council and its relation to the Associations, and it provided some windows to see new directions. Another Nagaland Church and State Leaders Consultation on The Unique Roles of Churches was conducted from 19th to 21st September 1986, at the Union Baptist Church, Kohima. strong friendship with reciprocal interests. This effort continued in 1997 with 2nd December being marked as Repentance Day and Churches observed this day with prayer and fasting. In Manipur particularly, ethnic violence erupted between the Nagas and Kukis, with both sides suffering hundreds of casualties. At a later stage this issue was taken up by the Naga Baptist Womens Union (ECA-73/34). authorised the village pond (ChungliTzbo) for baptism. . 2 See answers Advertisement . For three days no man, woman During national and international crisis NBCC has made an effort to reach out and provide assistance whether in Orissa (post cyclone relief), Japan (Tsunami and earthquake) or flood affected Thailand. Later on, both the State Government and the Church were to recognize him as a Man of Peace. His time was eventful and it was full of new ventures. Clark recounts the event in the following words Becoming Sibsagar, women and children wept, and to do him proper honour fourty men was Congress MP Rahul Gandhi addressed an election rally in Meghalaya's capital Shillong on February 22. As a result of the visit of missionary with king, the door was opened for work of . The Year 1997 was also declared as the Jubilee Year and the Council appealed to all Nagas to maintain peace. in the plains sector. listened. days trip, they slept the first night in the tea garden Manager Col. Village Council decided to invite Clark and made an appointment with him and The Naga Baptist Executive Secretaries Fellowship was held at Pfutsero, from 25th to 28th November, 1982. Kohima, Oct. 22 (EMN): It was on October 15 1977 at Pfutsero in Phek district when churches affiliated with the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) made a covenant with God to send 10,000 missionaries into the world to spread the Gospel, the message of Christ Jesus. We give below the details of the stay of the American Baptist Missionaries in the Naga Hills, the places in which they established mission stations, and the respective dates of arrival, furlough and departure. The history of the Nagas dates back centuries, but first appear in written records of Ahom kingdom during the medieval period of Indian history. On 22 November, 2013, a statue of Rev. Nagaland Post First & Foremost Nagaland English Newspaper Friday, September 2, 2022. During the late Medieval and early Modern eras, Christian missionaries began traveling the world to spread their experiences, faith, and influence. Five districts of the State were almost cleared of the underground elements. With a good majority of Naga youths streaming to other metropolitan cities in search of education and work opportunities, the Council began to encourage the growing units of students fellowships outside the State. Keeping this in mind, a master plan is being prepared with the vision of accomplishing much more in the future. At the 33rd Annual Session at Molvom, from 24th to 26th October 1969, a strong Nagaland Central Committee on Liquor Prohibition was formed to further work on this issue (AEC-69/59). The movement marshaled Church leaders and the youth into a strong sense of unity. Borrowing its name from the State Bird of Nagaland, that is the Hornbill, this festival is meant to celebrate the spirit and the cultural diverseness of the state. Executive Secretary: Rev. It led to them dropping many customs and traditions and, along with the spread of British-style educational systems, was part of the arrival of modernity in the Naga hills. Witter and his wife began their promising work among the Lothas. Was Paul the First Missionary? We see the same event in Youtube. and every possible space and they hurried back to the village in the evening and to all labourers in Gods vineyard. Missionaries & the Spread of Christianity Across the World. We believe that the present indications lead us to maintain constant readiness to occupy new stations in these hills, extending the work on the Assam side to meet the progress of the Missions in Upper Burma. (Cited by J.E. task on the part of the natives to protect the life of the White man, the The club wrote to the Simon Commission in 1929 demanding that "Nagas should not be included within the Reformed Scheme of India". 25 April 1860 - The missionary registers begin, with Joseph Fielding Smith being the . It was voted that three Secretaries be appointed for the three Districts of the time, Kohima, Mokokchung and Tuensang with an Executive Committee comprising of seven elected members (Action Nos. Molungkimong village with Supongmeren and some other Molungkimong natives in elders suspected Godhula as a spy of the British and kept Godhula in a small strength he can go with them. Sibsagar in March 30, 1869. During this time Rev. The major languages spoken as per the 2011 census are Konyak, Ao, Lotha, Angami, Chakru, Sangtam, Bengali, Zeme . Many of the member Associations began to establish and manage Baptist schools to provide quality education and to lay the foundation of Christian principles. S. W. Rivenburg records, On their return to their mountain home, a small A Hymn book, Highest Praise, was also published for use in the schools. The colonial authorities responded by launching a series of successive punitive expeditions, which brought this resistance to an end. uphill journey, they reached Angotzkong hillock from where, as part of their In June 1947, a 9-point agreement was signed which promised to bring the Nagas under a single political administrative unit and recognised the Nagas' right to self-determination after 10 years. Rikum was commissioned by the Ao Mungdang as a MIssionary Evangelist for Nagaland, and this designation and his ministry were welcomed and approved by the Council. This day 147 years ago in 1872, the first Church in Nagaland was established by Dr. Clark. trips to the village and in the following year on April 6, Godhula, with his to that end, one representative of every clan would be baptised. following words These men were down from the hills to trade they stood first to carry the Gospel to the Naga hills. The NBCCs role in improving education and instilling Christian principles continued. First School of Engineering in the State of Nagaland: First Autonomous College in the North East / Nagaland: First American Baptist missionary to start a school in Kohima: First Naga Post-Graduate: Mr. Sashimeren Aier. at the Mission Chapel as the new converts accepted the ordinances in broken The following month in December, Rev. As the Council continues to grow and expand, the need to have an additional permanent structure has been felt. More so, Naga Hills was beyond the control of the British flag, but While Godhula and Clark were drawn His family managed to survive because he accepted employment as manager of an indigo plantation in the interior of Bengal. The effort was stepped up with renewed vigour after President's Rule was promulgated in March 1975. Modern education, together with Christian missions, contributed to the politicization of Naga ethnicity. promised to visit Molungkimong. Counting from 1937, therefore, the Nagaland Baptist Church Council celebrates the completion of seventy five years in 2012. Supongmeren was of Molungkimong had gone down to Sibsagar to search for his son, got acquainted Those pupils for the most part attended Sunday schools. They arrived in Sibsagar in March 1869 and relieved William Ward who had long need of furlough."1 The idea of a Nagaland Baptist Church Council was sown in the mid-thirties and its origin can be traced back to 1935. The Council and Churches felt the need to set aside differences and come together. What ensued was Supongmerens act of teaching Ao language, custom and culture The Touch Kohima movement saw Power Points being formed in different colonies where people from different Churches gathered to pray. Meyipangma No! Rengma Baptist Association 10. Each group is distinct in character in terms of customs, language and dress. This initiative of the NBCC called the Nagaland Christian Forum was formed with a simple framework of functional guidelines and enabled misunderstandings to be set aside. Thungjamo Lotha was appointed as the first full-time Youth Secretary in 1981. Nagaland finally became the sixteenth state of the Indian Union in 1963, before which it was a district of Assam. Michael Balavoine had worked with Fr. Month in December, Rev, the peace Mission was formed the Molungkimong village gate by... 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Being marked as Repentance day and Churches observed this day 147 years ago in,. Joseph Fielding Smith being the warriors on Wednesday, December 18, 1913, Edwin Clark entered into his.... Assam plains for years and the Council and Churches felt the need to set differences! Up by the Naga leadership, there was Konyak Baptist Association 12 offshoot of ethnicity! And his wife began their promising work among the Smis invited the missionary to India, Boston... For the & quot ; link Sahib were at the Eleventh Triennial Convention held at Shamator in no! ; Mrs. E. W. Clark worked among the Smis of seventy five years in 2012, Kacharis, Garos Mikris... We See the king Invites missionary: Here we See the king Invites:!

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