npr voices annoying

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Manhattan is apparently now Manhadden. The one Ive noticed the most lately is the one mentioned by Mary N. And of course the extremely annoying vocal fry. That drives me INSANE!!!! Or it can negate what they just said, or preface a criticism or negative comment. 3. So So, youll also find this one at the beginning of a sentence, namely as a way to manage the conversation and sound fairly authoritative (or condescending). A speech pattern where every word is delivered with careful measure and staccato pauses, as if every thought being expressed is incredibly complex? Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this subject. whether your repeated use of the term space is conscious, or simply I feel more rested? Its under the The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns section. And so, yeah. All the best to you in navigating our wonderful world of words! I think one that bothers me the most (and one worth further discussing) is the ever common not quite lisp that Ive noticed a lot in the media, especially when watching news anchors/reporters (as it is their job to clearly convey the report). Hansen has served on the Mills College Alumnae Steering Committee; the Washington, DC, chapter Arts Committee of the Brandeis University Alumni Board; the National Society of Arts and Letters; and as judge for the Mr. District of Columbia Benefit Competition. Should school lectures take place on the moon, or just remotely via satellite? Its also a telltale sign along with being a 20-something vlogger who films herself eating/showering/walking a rat dog of narcissistic personality disorder. But it sends up sounding so unintelligent and gutless. While it may not be pleasing to US, it may be a more recognizable and standard sound to those who are currently hiring VO talent, or even on-camera talent. So, I woke uuuuup. Its refreshing to hear someone else with similar tendencies, calling out the younger generation on so many of these types of habits, which, in effect, butcher the language and the beauty of its intended delivery. Ive been trying to figure out the speech pattern of an acquaintance its causing me irritation and anxiety. Questions. An article in England stated that bosses would not employ anyone who used this phrasing, as they felt that they were unsure of themselves. Another one that I see increasingly in many of those under 40, is known as g-dropping. Monkey hear, Monkey say! Ironically, the girl in the last video does vocal fry throughout (I managed less than a minute of the video). You know This phrase is increasingly being usedat the beginning of the sentence as a lead-in. OMG! Because anybody who over pronounces their ts and ss sounds annoying to me. (Mark Memmott, the standards and practices editor, has addressed some of those issues in the past.). OMG! Hansen is a classically trained singer, and has sung with choirs and madrigal groups, in musical theatre, and in jazz and rock bands. For example, talking.with.periods.between.words! Maybe its our television sets audio, but I wonder why womens vowels are so loud on news programs. When used, it sounds more like its a filler until the person can come up with the words he/she wants to say. I felt as though I learned something today. I seem to see/hear it all the time nowadays, normally just after someone has clearly explained the facts around something, but the person reading/hearing it feels the need to demand the person giving out the information to Wait! so they can then ask them What?, as though what theyve just heard is complete nonsense, simply because they havent, (or so it comes across), been able to comprehend it the first time around. Different than makes no sense. This occurs a lot when listing items. We cant ignore our own speech patterns if were going to engage in this sort of discussion. I watched a high school teacher being interviewed on television and every other word was one of the phrases that make me tune out as I am bound to do when I am forced to watch a powerpoint presentation. No one says sof-ten or lis-ten or plumb-er. Mark, your comments are very well spoken, and I also consider language and ones command and understanding of it to be a sign of class and proper education. This had to have started with someonemaybe a Kardashian? I am a bit more forgiving if English isnt your first language but otherwise its incredibly annoying. The So at the beginning of every answer to a question, the Vocal Fry, the Upspeak all irritate me beyond all measure. I first noticed this on the Ezra Klein podcast. Oh, and yes, I know I left off many other annoying speech patterns. Have you got any money, at all. Im going out on a limb and saying they use it because it is something definitive in their conversation. So is a completely disingenuous and idiot transfer. What is this called? "It's so quintessential to his delivery." "You have an opportunity as a listener to expand your worldview by hearing all different types of voices," Sanders said. If you ask me again, Id also predict the tide will turn and people who drop these phrases will come out on top in the long run. 50% of revenue is from member stations. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 2. Many people confuse further and farther or say me and you instead of you and I. I think its rather sad. ", It's not quite clear where the style comes from, but Mae West is often cited as an example, so it's not a new phenomenon. I agree with Angela Brookman, above, in her complaint about people now refusing to pronounce the T sound in words (Im told the phenomenon has a name: T-glottalization), though I take issue with her examples, clarity and poverty. What drives me up a wall is when young people and that is who is doing this now drop the T sound in the middle of a word, such as kitten. They say kih-uhn. And mitten is mih-uhn, and written is wrih-uhn, and so forth. I have assumed theyre trying to sound British, which may also account for the glottal stop (i think thats the correct term) in words like curtain, mountain, sweeten etc. The sad thing about podcasters is that they have not taken any diction or public speaking classes. p.s. What is the affectation where the speaker draws out the end of every sentence as if theyve just ran out of breath, but still want to get that last word out. Worchestershire sauce anyone? I even contacted a renowned acting school. Anywho.. Ive seen it theorized elsewhere that it began as an AAVE regional thing, cant remember which region, that just spread. So, what weve found in our research is that people tend to add this word as a way to sound informal yet still be an expert.. And the speech pattern that led me to your page is the one Ive observed in the voice overs on virtually all home improvement shows. The whiny and drawn-out words, how can I cite an example? Person 1: So what is your opinion on adding cream to this dessert? I think its lazy not to pronounce words correctly. The shtraight down the shtreet seems to be 40-45 and under. It is difficult to give an example because this is a pitch pattern not just certain words. Vocal fry is the most annoying thing on the planet to me. Thats my new pet peeve and I wish I knew a way to counsel him on it! It is not as if we do not live above the ground. I thought I was the only person annoyed by these patterns. Thank you for helping me put a name to this! The kind of/sort of pattern I first noticed about 8-10 years ago and it was my old pet peeve; maybe Ive grown used to it by now. Hansen has taught techniques including Shakespeare, musical theater, and microphone and audition skills to children and adults of all ages. I agree I cannot stand the fact that 90% of the population is now using the work awesome in a context and place that has nothing to do with its actual meaning. Like, what about the kids, like mostly girls, that like say the word like, like every other word. THAT new vaccine, THAT plane crash, THAT police shooting its really getting annoying. What is that? This usually entails drawn out words: Sooosomething reeeaally horrrribllllle happened todaaayyyy I broke my cat candlllllle.. (Pout face). Is there a name for this type of speaking? What game? That one drives me crazy! Over his 10 years at NPR, he said he has grown emotionally to trust that his voice is enough. Feel free to share in the comments! Im not about to watch that show just to find out, though. Arent there any metrics showing that people fast forward when they come on? Like many here, I listen to a good deal of NPR-ish broadcasts and podcasts. She found that people over 40 heard the utterance without any creak as more authoritative, while people under 40 found both clips authoritative. My current pet hate is the need for the speaker to promise to tell the truth as in To be honest, or Im not gonna lie, and then proceeds to reveal some piece of bland trivia! The use of You know what? just before every seemingly unrevealing statement is huge in Australian parlance, um well at least in Melbourne. Youre totally right. Greene has certainly proved his mettle. This is a great discussion! and radio. "When you're critiquing a voice, you're saying, 'I don't like the thing that is you on the radio,' " Karen Duffin, a co-host and reporter for Planet Money, told me. She also created and hosted two seasons of Lean & Hungry's award-winning podcast. Was the Mike Lindell one, Thats why I curated MyPillow? While he generally wants to be playful on his show, he said he's since tried to be more sensitive to when subjects require serious delivery. Adding an additional, unnecessary syllable to certain words for emphasis: no becomes no-ah and hello turns into hello-ah.. as though the speaker just had to get rid of that extra bit of air, and vocalize it. You might hear the rich baritone of Bob Edwards. How NPR's Carrie Johnson found her radio voice. Does anyone super agree? There's still debate in the medical community about whether vocal fry harms the vocal folds, but Hansen said it can stress them. "I think of Ira Glass as the king of vocal fry," she said. Its bad enough to hear it in speech but I recently received an email that began with these words. Wish the tv stations would actually listen to their employeesfemale reporters are the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ive been studying this intonation for a while (this is the first place Ive found it even being acknowledged), its so common. I m hearing the phrases theres no doubt about it and theres no question about it and the variations: no doubt about it, no doubt, no question about it, and no question. I say borough as burrow and mirror as mirror, not meara. (My wife thinks I am. ) During her 10-year tenure as Artistic Director, Lean & Hungry's shows were heard on public radio stations in 8 states and the District of Columbia, with an estimated audience of 42,000 listeners for each show. But instead it sounds like I went to the STOre, then the gas STAtion, and then got something to EAT.. No problem implies that the Thank you was not needed, because it was the right thing to do. You obviously havent heard anyone say super over and over. Also, another annoying speech pattern is this: Costant micro-pauses after each couple of words, like if theres a question being asked or theres always some doubt. So many things about schooling have been grating AND concerning me for quite a while! I do not want to hear anyone speaking with mosquito tones. "They can feel more comfortable, confident and relaxed, because they feel like they have command of this instrument and their performance," said Hansen. My goodness, there are annoying speech patterns in every language, and by sex. Good English dictates brevity as a virtue; much, is redundant here. right? Hansen earned her MFA in Acting from Brandeis University, and has additionally studied in New York and France, at the Guthrie Theatre, and at Studio Theatre Conservatory. 4) #pubradiovoice Sitting in host chair for first time I channeled white voice from Midwest and lost my own. To me, it sounds like theyve actually forgotten to end the word and let that final syllable continue to sound out for an extended period. 2 the addition of ing to verbs By saying that (usually at the end of a sentence) it prevents someone else from talking or contributing their 2 cents, waiting for whatever follows the But.uh. Thank you, Debbie! This seems to be a dialect issue primarily in the U.S. South, but the writing implement pen is pronounced pin, as the number ten is pronounced tin!. Its mostly young females, but some young dudes do it as well. How about But uh.. ?? They rise the inflection of the words at the end of every sentence. What is that??? For example: But like you, when I find a younger person who is free of the upspeak, glottal fry, lack of oxygen when speaking, or repetitive use of um, like and you know it is always refreshing. And also SORREY, instead of saying sorry As in, Yo, Im tellin you, shtraight up, this thing is yuge, aight?, Yes, no I dont like all of those bad habits either AND the inverse No, yes we should all be aware these speech patterns are happening increasingly.. Segue is a conditional signal that the conversation has changed hands to the other participant. Its a lisp and something that should have been fixed in grade school. Jackie Fortir is a healthcare reporter for StateImpact Oklahoma and part of the NPR-Kaiser Health News partnership. Investigating these complaints opens a window into a long-running debate in the public radio community: what or more precisely, who should NPR sound like? I just heard a lady doing a commercial on TV who pronounced entertainment as intertainment. Also, why has everyone started turning ts to ds. They are typically found in unscripted, more extemporaneous speech. And when people speak without a script they often use filler words or make minor grammatical mistakes. For me, it is so distracting to hear the difference that on occasion Ive had to change the channel. Dropping the T is not a girl thing, at least not in the American South. I was actually googling, trying to find if this type of (annoying!) Its one of my many pet peeves in newscaster-speak, and I hear this one all the time especially from Rachel Martin on NPR. Sorry for the typo of the when it should have been they. Firstly, I would like to say that I quite enjoyed reading your article. But those persons might find it hard to get a high-paying job. This may be better: Pointing this out to friends, Im usually answered by yeah, I noticed, or good old-fashioned shrugs. Jessica Hansen is the voice of NPR's funding credits, and serves as an in-house voice coach for NPR. Keith Woods, NPR's vice president of newsroom training and diversity, told me that a variety of voices is one way to achieve greater journalistic truth. Budden for BUTTON bugs the hell out of me. Or, as my best friend calls it: the hissed s. For example, the word is news, not noose. As in, those are quite some radishes you have there. It seems to be quite common as I hear quite some people using it. The best example is stuDENT. These are examples of bad grammar, mispronounced words, and slang. look something like.. this. I agree with your comments whole-heartedly, and also wish that more attention be paid in the school environment to identifying and correcting inappropriate speech and speech patterns. I have heard right? at the end of sentences used frequently. It appears "almost exclusively among women, and young women. Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? Most of us know the way we speak may change depending what social situation were in. Thats probably (not proaly) one reason kids cant spell them correctly later. Since I watch a lot of network tv, I hear this and other abominations on commercials, especially. Its just laziness (and somehow its become cool to sound lazy or bored). I growl at every inflected, high rising, ramble sometimes eliciting concerned looks from family members. And last but certainly NOT least, saying the work right after every other sentence this makes me feel physically nauseated. Super annoying! The problem is is that.. But any word beginning with ST is impossible for this woman to pronounce correctly. Ive been trying to find what this is called online, and not having any luck. Debbie also provides phone-related voice over services including phone prompts, messages-on-hold and outbound phone marketing for companies in the United States and Canada. The other tying vote is dropping the t, as stated above or over pronouncing the t to make up for the cur-an, moun-an folk. To me, thats like criticising someone who stutters, besides being a tool to stonewall me. The staccato, fry voices makes me hit the mute button. Why should we voice the t in often? Who started this Have a good one! trend anyway? Hello Baz, and thank you so much for being so detailed in your descriptions of your total annoyance with these speech trends. Glen Washington (Snap Judgment) is so smooth, I also like Gene Demby and Shereen Marisol Meraji (Code Switch). To add to the I mean, is .I feel like, I have the pleasure of working with some folks that include these in every single spoken sentence. thats Mineah! And, when a person says, you are smarter than I, the am is implied as in I am. I believe it to be the key to longevity. The one that really gets to me, (in addition to all the ones already mentioned), is the starting of a sentence with Wait, what? I feel compelled to add an educational commentary on the definition of music when out in public. ! whenever someone learns of something thats surprising to them. Back in the day you would be fired for delivering news that way. Then I grabbed a coffeeeee. Isnt it enough that we can send a message in an instant without having to wait for a cursive written letter to arrive in weeks, but make it even faster with short cut spelling to arrive in a matter of seconds? Ah. Kind of (or sort of) This tidbit is used anywhere in the middle, as a way to not say what you really mean. "We ought to be able to hear all of that in the voices that the audience is hearing, whether that voice is the voice of somebody in a community somewhere in the middle of the country or that voice is the voice of a host or reporter for NPR. My purpose in searching phrases that led me here was the very annoying yeah, no or visa versa. Listen out for it ; itll shock you just how common it is! Gosh ny chief hates include the words we are expected to use in public so we do not appear too assertive or pushy. I cant stand people pronouncing words that end ing like the end with een, i.e. I would be happy to hear the word amazing without the word super in front of it. I hope that there will be some attention paid to restoring some respect for our language in generations to come. As in change the sheets or change a lightbulb. I call this the singing list, the intonation conveys a meaning that the list is long, maybe endless, and whats being sung is a representative/illuminating example, but not exhaustive. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bring Debbie the details of your next commercial, narration, phone system recording or other voiceover project. And listeners have seriously strong feelings about this stuff. 2) pumped and stoked for excited They are rampant in the South. At the end of a sentence? thing (and, as illustrated, often prematurely ending a sentence that actually wasnt? Makes me understand why people sometimes get slapped! They have this childish high pitched baby voice and its like stabbing my ears with bamboo skewers. The sad part about the first phrase (Uh, hello.everyone knows the Earth is round) is that anyone has to even say it at all in the 21st century. She has performed guest star roles on NBC's Parks & Recreation and HBO's Veep, working with Amy Poehler and Julia Louis-Dreyfus, respectively. I also dislike the replacement of youre welcome with no problem when told thank you. When I purchase something from an employee, or tell someone thank you, Im not needing assurance that Im not a problem. FIGURATIVELY no one? Moaning is not music. Now I can add that to my list. I first noticed vocal fry around 2007 when two young female supervisors of mine would literally end each sentence with 4 to 5 seconds of vocal fry. The power of live radio, after all, is that it's live. Dont get me started on LIKE. I was about to write a comment concerning the misuse of me and I when I read yours. Yes, vocal fry has become almost a standard version of vocalization in our current era. Add on the ground. Even when an exact location is given, the ubiquitous use of on the ground, drives me quite mad. The internet search yields accusations of objections to this speech as further proof of bias against women. ARGH!!!! She has taught throughout the Washington metropolitan area, including the Duke Ellington School of the Arts and American University. I cant decide which I detest more- vocal fry or right. For example: Hayes, you say right?, but how do I know whether I agree with you or not until you actually make the statement?. If we could get the Australians to leave home we could return the island to its original (European) use. I agree. Just stop! I didnt know there was a word for that! While for many VO artists, like you and me, we strive to have a more refined and adjusted voice, that is more pleasing to the ear, I do find that in general media such as TV, film and especially commercials, the prevalence of this is a reflection of the prevalence found in the general population. You instead of you and I. I think its rather sad dictates brevity as a ;! Stabbing my ears with bamboo skewers opportunity as a virtue ; much, is that it so... Seasons of Lean & Hungry 's award-winning podcast is called online, and.... Mirror as mirror, not noose more- vocal fry harms the vocal fry become! Many here, I would like to say and practices editor, has addressed some of under... They rise the inflection of the words we are expected to use in public:! Me put a name for this type of speaking virtue ; much, is known g-dropping! Thought being expressed is incredibly complex that the conversation has changed hands to the other.... 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